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[오피스] 라이센스 걱정이 필요없는 무료 오피스 프로그램 - OpenOffice v4.1.2 한글판

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Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2

28 October 2015 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.2. You can download it from the official website

Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 brings stability fixes, bug fixes and enhancements. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 or earlier are advised to upgrade.

Main improvements include:

  • Bug fixes in Writer, Calc, Impress/Draw, Base.
  • Better WebDAV and file locking support: OpenOffice is now able to properly interact with Microsoft Sharepoint. These enhancements were funded, and contributed upstream, by the Emilia-Romagna regional administration (Italy), where OpenOffice was adopted a few years ago.
  • Redesign of the PDF export dialog for better usability on small laptop screens.
  • Updates of underlying libraries, for better performance and increased security.
  • Security vulnerability fixes, with details eventually disclosed at the security announcements page.

A complete list of the issues fixed in this release can be found at

For a complete list of available languages and language packs see:

Details of new features and enhancements in this release are described in the Release Notes.

Those interested in the source code can download it at

You are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates and security patches.  To subscribe you can send an email to:  announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.

You can also follow the project on TwitterFacebook and Google+.

The OpenOffice community dedicates version 4.1.2 to the memory of Ian Lynch, a member of the OpenOffice Project Management Committee and a key contributor to marketing and education efforts, who passed away earlier this year.

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